Friday 22 July 2011

Vinyl Buzz

                        The Vinyl records are back in market. Although they might have been fuelled by nostalgia and better technology yet, rather than trying to buy the new one's I'd rather cherish my memories with the old ones i have piled up in my basement.

                      While all others follow up the trend of buying in new records and playnig them on the gramophones i chose to give them a creative touch and use it as an item which would provide a classsic retro style to the interiors of my house.

                       Well If you'd ask what i would do with the dull old black records. I'd tell you exactly what in the follow up below :)

A Record with BOLT,DELHI6 painted on it.

Painting on them and was very much one half of the story about what is to be done with the records.

The Delhi 6,Bolt record along with the three smaller unicolour ones.

For starters i wrote weekly predictions and quotes on a few of them. With a frequent swapping of these every now and then they're good to go.

Weekly Quotes

Well these same can be used in several different ways.

The Same Records used as a coaster.

Well When i thought that just writing o painting on them wasn't enough i got some flex prints done of old Bollywood Actresses. :)

The Flex record along with a modelled gramophone.